Better Boater title
By Annie Carbutt
Ready For Summer Fun
Tips for a safe boat party
a metal drawer sits open showing water and other refreshments

Everyone loves a party, but a party in a boat takes fun to a whole new level. When the weather is just right and you’ve got your family and friends out on the water with you, there’s not much that’s better. The last thing you want is for an accident or safety issue of some kind to get in the way of your good time.

With a little planning and forethought, you can have a great boat party and keep your bases covered in the event of an emergency, even if it’s only a little one. Of course you always hope that doesn’t happen, but we’ve put together a list of safety tips and advice for your next boat party, just in case.

Take Drinking Water
When you’re heading out in your boat for the day where you’ll be surrounded by water, bringing more of it with you onboard may be the last thing on your mind. Don’t overlook the necessity of having plenty of drinking water for everyone in your party. Especially if the sun is high and you’re catching lots of rays, you’ll need to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated. While this may seem like the least of your worries, dehydration is definitely not something you want crashing your party.
Bring Your First Aid Kit
It almost goes without saying that you should always have a good First Aid Kit on board. It’s also a good idea to check medications and supplies before you head out, just to make sure nothing has expired or so you can restock if you’re running low on anything. It can be easy to forget that some of these supplies have a shelf life.
a group of people sit under a sunscreen on an orange pontoon on water
PFDs For Everyone
Because boats are required by law to have enough personal flotation devices for everyone on board, you should be covered here. Even so, definitely check that all life jackets are in good working order and that you have enough of them in appropriate sizes for everyone in your party. No one goes out on the water expecting to take on water, but it could happen, so be prepared.

It’s also a good idea to wear your flotation device throughout your boating trip. You never know when a wave might hit your boat and knock you off your feet when you’re standing on the sun deck or boarding your boat after playing in the water. It will also provide a lot of peace of mind knowing your kids have their flotation devices on so you don’t constantly have to worry how they’re doing.

Use Sunscreen

Sun is a big part of the fun when it comes to a boating party, as it should be. Of course you’ll want to sport your favorite new swimsuit and soak up all the sun you can get. Just remember that overexposure to the sun can cause skin damage or even heatstroke. Slather some sunscreen on yourself and your kids. Waterproof sunscreen is a must-have considering where you’ll be and what you’ll be doing.

a little girl sits on a pontoon blowing bubbles
Don’t Exceed Capacity
In some ways, a party means the more the merrier, but every boat has its limitations. Yes, you want to invite all your favorite people to be with you while you’re partying on the water. Just make sure your party isn’t bigger than your boat can handle. If you need to bring a second boat along to accommodate everyone, do so.
An Eye Out For Each Other
Even with life jackets and other flotation devices, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for the people in your party just to make sure everyone is okay, especially children. Also take note if anyone in your party doesn’t know how to swim. A party could quickly go from fantastic to frantic if someone ends up in the water and doesn’t know how to handle it.

Definitely buddy up and make sure everyone has someone to watch out for them in the event of an emergency.

Don’t Drink & Drive
No one who operates a boat should ever be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. There may be people in your party who want to enjoy their drink of choice and live it up, but just make sure one able-bodied adult is sober and able to operate your boat at all times. It’s also important for anyone who has been drinking to stay out of the water and stay on the boat. The last thing you want is a full-scale accident on your hands.
Have Fun
At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have fun. Go have your party, and be safe!