Keep Your Boat


Benefits of

By Ethan Hunt
three young boys smile wearing lifejackets and floating on boards in water while adults watch them from a pontoon in the background
Buying a boat can be a difficult task no matter the kind you’re looking for. From deciding on size to cost it can be challenging to pin down the perfect option. In addition, while it’s already difficult to find preferred features for your boat, there is the other task of simply making sure your boat will actually last for a good amount of time. This can be secured through the use of extended warranties, but not everyone chooses to buy them. Many have learned the hard way that buying an extended warranty can actually help you avoid a lot of headaches with your new boat. To help keep your new boat intact we’ll be diving into how extended warranties can be an important addition to your boat purchase.

Prioritize The Price

No one enjoys paying more money than they have to, and they especially don’t want to waste money on something that won’t help them in the long run. A lot of extended warranties are indeed a bit expensive, but others can be found at a lower cost. Depending on the extended warranty, it may be able to cover the cost of something that could be much more expensive than what you paid for the extension. Instead of paying thousands of dollars to the repair company, you would instead be paying a smaller amount for greater coverage of your boat. Plan now to get an extended warranty that doesn’t make you pay out more than you need to.
Use What You Need
There are a lot of different types of extended warranties that may cover different things. Some last longer while others cover a lot more for your boat. Either way, it is a good idea to look carefully at which extended warranty is best for you. An extended warranty is still a good thing to have, but not all are made for you. You may want one that lasts for a few years or one that covers the structural integrity of your boat. Options such as manufacturer warranties, engine warranties, and other extended warranties are highly recommended. These along with many other options can keep your boat from sleeping with the fishes.
Read Carefully
A story can truly be enjoyed when it’s read through entirely, and the same goes for extended boat warranties. When looking through extended warranties make sure to read the fine print. While many boat companies give you a great explanation of their offers, they do forget to tell you about certain things only found in the documents. This is why it’s important to read through every detail of the extended warranty. Not only will you be able to spot things that you may not like, but you will also spot things that you might have missed. One extended warranty might have extra bonuses hidden between the lines or give you added protection based on what kind of boat you have. So before you agree to the extended warranty, make sure to read over everything to avoid missing out on something. It could really help you out in the long run.
birds eye view of two women and three young children playing together in shallow water next to a pontoon
a man drives a pontoon on the water
a young boy and two older men fish together on a pontoon
Anything Can Happen
Even though we try our best to stay out of trouble, problems still find their way to us. The engine may be working just fine or the hull could be in great shape. However, a hidden submerged rock or a faulty mechanism can quickly turn your boating trip into a nightmare. You now have a busted boat and without an extended warranty you might have to buy a whole new one. With an extended warranty, you wouldn’t have to replace your boat and could save the hassle of dealing with the aftermath of the unwelcome surprise. Problems on the water are no fun, but they can certainly be a lot less stressful when you know that you have a warranty to help you out.
Trust The Process
You might be unsure about companies offering you extensive and complex warranty choices, but that’s a good sign. Companies who offer you extended warranties show that they stand by their products and that their boats are in good condition. Plus, when you are actively seeking out a warranty for your boat, there will always be third-party companies that can get you one if the company you’re buying from doesn’t offer extended warranties. Either way, the process may be a bit tricky or confusing at times, but there are plenty of resources and options available to help keep your boat safe and sound.
Make The Decision
In the end, it is up to you to decide if an extended warranty is worth it. Yet, with all of the great things that come with an extended warranty, hopefully, your decision will be to get one whether it’s already included in the total price or not. No matter what you choose, having an extended warranty of some kind can be a huge help to you in your boating adventures.