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By Brady L. Kay

Now this is where I need to sheepishly admit my complete ignorance. I’m of course fully aware of the pontoon manufacturers shipping boats to other countries, but a powerhouse pontoon manufacturer such as VCAT in Brazil was completely off my radar. For some reason the thought of pontoons being manufactured in other countries never really crossed my mind. I came across this Brazilian manufacturer based in Sao Paulo by chance, and have since become obsessed with wanting to know more.

I think it’s time I learned a few more things.

Pontooners demanding thrilling horsepower and speed can realize their dream with the new F350 from Yamaha. With increases across the board over the F300, the new engine has larger intake and exhaust valves, better air flow, a new crankshaft for a longer stroke, and more torque at lower speeds.
Offering premium-level performance, reliability, and engine block and gear case upgrades, the new F350 has a strong core for powering up and going the distance, while comfort and convenience options create a confident ride. “Boaters asked for it, and we delivered. The F350 is the perfect big power, lightweight option for a wide variety of applications,” said Ben Speciale, president of the Yamaha U.S. Marine Business Unit.
Sync all this power with Yamaha’s Digital Electric Steering (DES) and exclusive Thrust Enhancing Reverse Exhaust, and the new F350 becomes the standard for an exciting boating experience. Now offered in Pearlescent White, Traditional Gray, or new Classic White, the new Yamaha F350 is now available. (www.yamahaoutboards.com)

e-mail: sales@jcpontoon.com
Always wear a personal flotation device while boating and read your owner’s manual.

e-mail: sales@jcpontoon.com
Always wear a personal flotation device while boating and read your owner’s manual.

Lago, Italian for lake, now includes an entry-level (V), mid-line (X), as well as a luxurious version (Z), and you don’t need to be Goldilocks to appreciate the three new choices.
Unlike the 19th-century English fairy tale, what Viaggio is doing is very real and a progressive step in helping customers find the porridge–ahem–the pontoon boat, that is just right for them.

We found thoughtful features and solid construction throughout the pontoon we reviewed, and enjoyed a smooth and comfy ride since every Barletta has a frame built to glide through all types of water and uses vibration isolation pads, wave tamers, and heavy-duty nose cones.

To celebrate their 50th anniversary, Avalon Pontoons held a giveaway where they awarded a brand-new Avalon Venture Cruise for the oldest Avalon-brand pontoon still in use. Among 150 entries from all over the country, the winning boat belonged to Adam Josephus of Vestaburg, Mich. He and his family were currently fishing from a 1975 Playbuoy, a weathered blue and silver King Fisher with a languidly slow 15hp engine. Originally founded under the name Playbuoy Pontoons in the early 1970s, the company changed its name to Avalon in 2005.
And they couldn’t have found a more fitting winner. Adam and his wife April, with their two kids Javin and Janelle, are the all-American family spending summer evenings at football practice and on motorcycle rides, and weekends camping and fishing at Crystal Lake and on the Muskegon River. They searched for a fishing boat five years ago, but their budget didn’t allow for a new pontoon so Adam trawled Facebook marketplace for his favorite brand, Playbuoy. He was thrilled to find the King Fisher for sale nearby from a family friend. The listing price was over his budget, and his wife of nearly 20 years said, “You don’t need another boat.” But when the seller finally accepted his lower offer, Adam quickly drove to Six Lakes and bought it.

We’ve done the leg work for you and are ready to share ten options to consider for beginners.
Award Winners Announced
In 2018 the NMMA – in an attempt to broaden its reach – expanded to the Minneapolis Boat Show with its Innovation Awards to include smaller fishing boats as well as pontoon boats that typically aren’t found at the other two Florida-based boat shows, at least not to the same degree as in Minnesota.
View Advertisers
- Avalon48
- Boatmate Trailers17
- Conrad Marine43
- Deckrite15
- JC TriToon Marine17
- KICKER Audio9
- Paradigm Boats3
- Playcraft—Pontoon Deck Boats15
- Premier Marine, Inc.14
- Princecraft5
- Secure-A-Lift Inc.43
- Sideshift23
- Sky Smith Specialty Insurance23
- Starcraft Marine2
- Teak Isle Mfg.47
- Vanderbilt Pontoons6
- Western Trailer Sales6


Fish relate to both, for shelter, shade, food and security from predators, providing the gamefish we seek with hiding and ambush areas. Large areas of weedy cover are like “aquatic neighborhoods” with each stage of the food chain present. From insects, to bluegills, to largemouth, cover serves as a place where fish come to feed, or hide out in an effort to avoid being eaten.

But while I was looking out the window and watching the snow drifts build and the snowflakes blow by, I started to imagine a lake with the waves and the winds. While it wasn’t a perfect image, it was still kind of exciting to think about the coming months of warm weather and boat shows. In fact, I even got a flier from a local dealer having an open house to show off their new building and the 2024 pontoons.